Monday 6 February 2012

February brings the snow..

first snow this year overnight 4/5th - 4pm on the 5th
soon gone though this photo taken 24 hrs later

forecast for next few days very cold though so it could get icy underfoot.

January review

Quiet month on the whole,  weather quite good on the whole with quite a bit of wind which is handy to dry washing outside.   Country Market recommenced on the 13th January.  2 of the Helpers in hospital for ops but both recovering well we hear.    Went to a funeral of one of our long standing members, Nancy, who had been in a nursing home for some time - she was 91. 
Vacuum cleaner packed up and washing macjine on the blink but apart from that not a bad month.
Had a surprise visit from some good friends the last weekend, luckily I had just got back home from shopping.
Lovely to see them and hear all their news.