Monday 19 March 2012

St Agnes and Truro

 A fallen and a blooming Camellia from St. Agnes (the wind one day caused a lot of camellia flowers to drop)

                                     this magnolia tree in St Agnes in full bloom was beautiful
below -                      tin mines at St Agnes (taken at Dusk)

some views of Truro

                                                 Charlotte's Teahouse and the Coinage Hall
                                                                        Truro Cathedral

                                                                     main square Truro

Sunday 18 March 2012


Taking me a bit of time to sift through all my holiday snaps but here are just a few of Falmouth where we paid a fleeting visit (the rest of the photos will be on Flika)
below is the historic building that houses the well known De Wynns Coffee/Tea Shop
the St Mawes Ferry
Jacobs steps (there is a good hostel at the top if you have the energy to climb up and down). The steps are named after local businessman Jacob Hamblen who commissioned the stairway to link some of his property and business premises)

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Short Break

Just a short catch up -  returned last weekend  from short break in St Agnes in Cornwall.
We were quite lucky with weather as, although we did have a couple of outbreaks of rain we were were on the coach at the time and by the time we got to out destinations, it had stopped and the Sun came out.   The Rosemundy House Hotel, situated in the quaint Cornish coastal village of St Agnes is to be highly recommended, you are made to feel very welcome and the food is excellent.     Our first excursion was to Padstow best known now for its connection to  Rick Stein with his Restaurant and other retails outlets, (so christened Padstein) we did not eat there though! found a delightful cafe The Cherry Tree on the harbour side - highly recommended the staff were as nice as the food.
A few pictures of St Agnes and Padstow.
looking down to the Square in St Agnes and the St Agnes main Hotel

Padstow Harbour

I loved these in a Shop Window in Padstow , aren't they delightful?

Sunday 4 March 2012

Prelude to Spring

1st of March was a glorious day - warm and sunny the Aubretia was alive with bees, and ladybirds, and washing got dry on the line. 

 My Daffodils which have been in bud since early January are at last beginning to come into flower
      plus the fact that I now know I've still got use of my allotment so it's all systems go!

Saturday 3 March 2012

February looking back

Last month brought the snow but not enough to cause chaos, lacking any substantial amount of rain.
Birthday celebrations were a highlight and being in touch with several old and valued friends.
So nice that it is getting lighter earlier in the mornings and  staying lighter for longer at night.
Weather last week or so was a bit depressing being overcast and grey but we did get a few nice days here and there and there were some glorious sunsets and ladybirds were concealed everywhere you looked!
  a few photos

 On 26th February I saw my first Bumblebee busy working among the Aubretia