Monday 29 December 2014

December 2014

I have one snowdrop that always comes out way in front of all the others - this year it appeared in early January but excelled itself by appearing again before Christmas.  This photon was taken on the 19th December
very cold last few days with heavy overnight frosts but only snow we have had here so far was a brief snow shower on Boxing Day evening which settled on roofs and windscreen of cars but was gone again in a couple of hours, so that if you didn't see it you would never have known. Not so fotunate in other parts of the country though.

Saturday 22 March 2014

more Spring Flowers

Muscatel are now starting to bud and my first Forget Me Not this year

so lovely to see all the Daffodils out

the flowering cherry in next doors gardens is stunning
quite a few bees about at last

and now it looks as if we are in for a cold spell always seems to be just as Magnolia is coming out in flower!

Monday 10 March 2014

the joy of Springtime


Spring 2014

After a very wet winter spring is with us, so nice to see all the crocus, primrose and Daffodils.

Coming back from Leamington Spa on the bus on Saturday I caught a glimpse of a small garden consisting solely, it seemed,  of coloured glass bottles arranged on posts like trees - certainly different!!