Friday 20 May 2011

The Merry Month of May

We certainly can't complain about the weather this year (just about the lack of rain!!).
I was really thrilled earlier this month to see a Dragonfly newly hatched (if that's the word) spending a few hours maturing in my garden, namely a female broad bodied Chaser and more than delighted when I was able to get a decent photo - they apparently only spend a few hours away from water - then only live for such a short time - it seems such a shame they are so beautiful.
Easier to photograph at this stage in their life cycle too - as their wings are motionless while they are drying out.

A couple of roses I took on the 12th

 I've done 3 health walks this month - weather was great for all of them. Had 11 walkers today.
Next weekend is a big family celebration as my niece is 40 years of Age - a slight dampener on proceedings is fact that my elderly much revered Aunt  of 91 was taken ill a couple of weeks back and is now in Hospital recovering slowly -  so she won't be with us.
Downside this month has been fact that my trusty ISUS 860 IS has finally lost its screen - so can't see what you are taking or adjust settings in any way. (Prohibitive to replace)       Still takes good photos though and excellent Video.
These photos were taken today 20th

The Ixus 970 which I bought when I realised 860 was going to give up a some point in the near future does have a separate viewfinder.
Went out tonight down to Boathouse with friends for our monthly meal out together and managed to spill some chocolate ice-cream on my top.  Saved by one of little Ruby's (11 months old) Baby Wipes which took stain out immediately so a good tip for you ladies out there!  Certainly worked for me.

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