Sunday, 22 January 2012

Thursday 19th

Coming back on the Bus from visiting friends in Coventry there was A Spectacular sunset.  A myriad of all shades of pink from deep to a slight tinge in a warped elongated box framed by a light grey surround underneath which were swathes of grey and dark grey reminiscent of forested hillsides and beneath this a shimmering golden haze giving the impression of a golden sands with scattered odd tufts of tumbleweed and below this a light blue grey flecked with pink , like the edge of a lake. The whole mirage surrounded by a sky of subtle pinks to lilac, truly awe inspiring!   Unfortunately I was not able to  take a photo but was glad to find two students on the bus who were also suitably impressed, one of them trying to describe it to a friend over his mobile phone.
When I was in Brighton just before Christmas shopping late afternoon there was a glorious sunset  - not quite so spectacular, (there is a photo of it on an earlier blog), as I was taking a photo a girl from the Tourist Office came up and said "Isn't it beautiful, glad you are appreciating it, I've been trying to get people to stop and look but they are all so busy".    
"What is this life if, so full of care we have no time to stand and stare."    William Henry Davies

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